How to adjust brightness on Toshiba laptop?
I've a toshiba laptop, installed windows xp retail version, installed necessary drivers like sound, video e.t.c but when i run my laptop without the battery pluggedin, i can't see a thing. The brightness is terrible. I've tried installing Toshiba power saver but it gives me a fatal error and now i ca't even remove it, anyways thats not the problem. Problem is to adjust brightness. I've also tried FN+F7 but nothing.
Laptops & Notebooks - 1 Answers
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hmm i may know well this might not help but on ut monitor of ur laptop there can be buttons look for one that looks like adjusting color my friend know how but ya well email me if any problems and if that dosent work go in to the start bar and try to find it if u have vista like me then type something in like adjust colors or something like that. i hope that helped.
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